In 2020, help God’s kingdom grow.
Since 2015, many have financially supported Cultivate as we have been learning how to best show the love of Christ to the students of Oakland and inspire others to do the same. We at Cultivate are extremely grateful for all the assistance we have received in this matter during this launch season. In these last 4 years, God has sent an incredible, wise, and resourceful team to Oakland University to help establish Cultivate, a ministry designed to develop kingdom workers. As defined by Jesus in Luke 10, a kingdom worker is a person of Christlike character - obedient to God, ready for any challenge, action-minded, and results-oriented - whose desire is to grow God’s Kingdom. Our team is dedicated to this mission, and we are excited to finally announce a way for you to partner with us in this vital work: the Cultivate Kingdom Worker Development Fund. Read on to find out about this exciting opportunity.

Kyle Vens
Cultivate Director
The Cultivate Kingdom Worker Development Fund
Cultivate’s mission is to develop kingdom workers, and we find the best way to do this is to help give young men and women opportunities where they can serve others in hands-on, practical ways while being coached in meaningful ways by loving leaders. For example, a senior engineering student wants to lead a team which deliberately focuses on students who would never come to church or a campus ministry. He wants to run the Alpha course because he knows it has structure and proven success at welcoming people who wouldn’t normally come. He looks at the Alpha course launch materials, and sees that a free meal is a primary component of offering the course to students he wants to reach. He knows they will come if a great dinner happens on campus, around where these students live. He longs to introduce them to Christ and grow God’s Kingdom in their hearts. However, he is a full time student working an additional 30-hour per week job. How does he, a 21 year old living on campus, get high quality food for 20, 30, or 40 people delivered to campus for 14 weeks to successfully invite those who would not be interested in a standard church setting? That’s where Cultivate, and specifically our Kingdom Worker Development Fund, comes in. With our expertise, community connections, and even our own hands, we can provide a consistent, quality meal for up to 35 students for $150 per week including delivery, as well as one-on-one mentoring and coaching for this student leader during the week. This leaves the student leader to do the “kingdom” work of building a team of volunteer table leaders, inviting non-Christian students, developing friendships, and eventually helping people declare Jesus as the Lord of their life who may never have desired to before.
This is one example, and it really happened in fall 2017. We have other amazing examples of how our Cultivate team has developed kingdom workers by helping them meaningfully serve others, understand their faith, facilitate discussions, start small groups, host events, and most importantly, grow in Christlike character.
stories of kingdom workers.

Kelly Ray
Kelly transformed from a student-athlete in attending a campus ministry into the leader of that ministry, changing its culture by training athletes to disciple athletes.
make a gift to support kingdom workers.
In order to fund these opportunities, we are asking for your help. Cultivate is looking to add $20,000 to our Kingdom Worker Development Fund by the end of 2019.
Specifically, we are looking for one time donations in the following amounts: 2 donations of $5,000, 5 donations of $1,000, 5 donations of $500, and 10 donations of $250. Every donation, no matter the amount, helps us continue to develop kingdom workers by providing opportunities for them to serve others while being coached in meaningful ways.
Cultivate receives donations as part of Abide Ministries, a 501(c)(3) organization located in Rochester, MI that provides financial and organizational oversight. All donations made to Cultivate are tax-deductible through Abide Ministries. Abide partners with Donorbox to enable donors to make one time and recurring donations, while allowing them to manage their own giving in a safe, secure, and reliable environment.
online gifts
Online gifts can be made using the form on this page, or at You can make one-time or recurring gifts using credit cards, debit cards, or bank transfers. All transactions are processed through Donorbox (a Stripe partner) for the highest level of security and convenience. Once you make a gift, you can manage your gift at
check gifts
Check gifts can be made out to:
Abide Ministries
323 Linwood Dr
Rochester, MI 48307